Pay-As-You-Go Workers' Compensation

Simpler, easier, less costly worker's compensation plans.


Stop paying a year in advance. Workers' compensation allows you to pay as you go.

Eliminate Estimations

Complete accuracy without large down-payments or large admin fees.


Accurate calculations, smaller payments per payroll, small audit at plan end.

Improved and Simplified Workers' Compensation for the Tri-State Area & Beyond

Here at Precision Payroll Services Inc., we are proud to help you access streamlined, simplified, pay-as-you-go workers' compensation plans. These plans eliminate needless extra time and process by taking workers' compensation payments based on the actual data from each pay period. This way, you don't need to make a large, upfront payment using estimated data, only to need a refund or to make an extra payment, along with periodic audits that take more time, stress, and resources.

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nationwide pay as you go workers' comp with precision payroll's ancillary servicesNationwide Pay-As-You-Go Workers' Compensation 

Pay-as-you-go workers' comp plans offer a variety of benefits. These benefits include:

1. No Up-Front Downpayment

Pay-as-you-go workers' compensation eliminates the up-front payments that traditional workers' comp used to require.

2. No Large Audits 

Audits can be expensive to deal with and can cause unnecessary added stress. Pay-as-you-go workers' comp eliminates the need for large, costly annual audits in favor of a small audit to make sure everyone was reported correctly, which keeps your company moving forward.

3. No More Estimates 

With pay-as-you-go workers' comp, you don't have to rely on estimates based on your projected needs. Your insurance is provided with real data and figures from your payroll company. You will only pay what you are required to pay—no more, no less.